Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

Gospel of TR Story Sequence updated 2020 8 6 2223


Mark 13 places the start of this gospel in the forum heading east towards the coliseum

Psalm 23 on the amber road in the shadow of death the gladiator games venue

Dante up the Temple of Venus to the 3 degrees of FreeMasonry

Move through the 3 degrees in the Temple of Venus

Enterprise Across the sky bridge to the Coliseum

Time Travel Forward to the Coliseum

The Coliseum Hell

Across the sky bridge to the Palace of Claudius Purgatory St Peter

Through the Place of Claudius Purgatory St Peter

Across the Sky Bridge to the Domus Julii Heaven

Inside the Domus Julii Heaven

Across the Sky Bridge back to the Temple of Venus as  PM

The MM to PM Circle of the Enterprise in Space Dock from the upper floor of the Temple of Venus around to those 3 locations

Steward Position Hell

Deacon Position Purgatory

Warden Position Heaven

Return to the Temple of Venus from the Domus Julii as a PM

Temple of Venus down the Stairs to the Amber Road

Head West of the Stairs to the Arch of Titus

Dream Sequence start Hypnermachia Philphila

Dream Sequence 1 Arch to the West Wall of the Sistine Chapel

Dream Sequence 2 West Wall of the Sistine Chapel back to the Arch of Titus

Exit the Arch of Titus

Time Travel Backwards from 80 ce to 1300 bce

Exit the Arch of Titus to see Odysseus battling the City of Pillars aka the cyclops the ATEN

The Battle finishes Odysseus travels to the Temple of Concord

The Wife of Odysseus Pennel OPE

The Clergy of the Temple of Concord Ope

Similar to the root of the word Dracula means son of Draco

Ula and Ope similar “of the same line”

Odysseus and the Narmer Bow Test

Odysseus succeeds the Narmer bow test in the Temple of Concord Odysseus challenges for the leadership position, and wins the Narmer (to strike Memento Mori 1a) Bow test, which he then reclaims his bride. His grandson begins to listen to grandfathers’ stories of the trojan war and of course his defeat of the cyclopes to the east of the city where the Coliseum sits now. AS homer grows up, he writes them down which become the Iliad and Odyssey. the Iliad is likely close to the name of the city, the city was not called Troy. That name is a grave insult for that cities Jews.

List of Bow Test Victors; Romulus,

List of Bow Test Failures; Remus, Caesar,

The Narmer Bow test was altered the Arch of the Covenant at some point in the sequence of events after the Failed Bow test of Caesar and the end of the time of Emperor Claudius. The Senate chose to ratchet up the nastiness for the new Emperor Jessu Emmanuelle Simon Peter St Mark “Christ” Emperor Claudius, they chose to give him the Hercules challenges. Those challenges included to and find the Arch of the Covenant, bring it back to Rome, and work it successfully.

A task Claudius did without a single problem. But on this treck into ethipoia with his Julii family legions in tow. The Evil Priest Paul did a behind the scenes move and had himself appointed Emperor using the name Nero the cousin of Claudius who had evacuated to either Egypt or Britain by then. So a new Nero emerged in the absence of Claudius.

Upon the return of Claudius, the senate agreed to have them co emperor together. Claudius from His palace Nero from the Curia Julii and his new Palace the Circus of Nero built from the remains of Heliopolis.

Claudius arrived back and worked to finish his Arch of Claudius, which the senate would later modify the architecture dozens of times shrinking the structure form a solid and substantial structure to just a small arch and renamed it more than 3 decades later to Titus.

After the Bow Test Odysseus heads into the Curia Julii and sits on the Kings Throne.

After claiming his seat, Odyssues performs the 3 ceremonies of FreeMasonry in the Curia Julii

Traveling from the Curia Julii

Time Travel from 1330 bce back to 30 ce

Odysseus travels to the Lake Nemi Ships to witness the Ministry of Jesus begin













TR Welling